1) You always only log to the Category you ask to log to.  I think you might
be confusing Categories and Appenders.

2) http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/FAQ.html#filterByPriority

-Jim Moore

-----Original Message-----
From: Nirmala Rajaram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 6:27 PM
Subject: Restricting the message to the category specified... 

Iam a new user to log4j.
I would to clarify on two things.
1. Can i restrict the log output to the category specified in the
configuration file.
for ex if i have a category com.abc specified in the configuration
file. The output should be logged only for this category and
not for anyother category.

2.How to restrict the log output for one particular priority. For
instance i would like to log the output for messages having thier
priority as DEBUG and not for anyother priority.

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