At 11:44 03/14/2001 +0100, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
>Appender Additivity
>The output of a log statement of category C will go to all the appenders 
>in C and its ancestors. This is the meaning of the term "appender additivity".
>However, if an ancestor of category C, say P, has the additivity flag set 
>to false, then C's output will be directed to all the appenders in C and 
>it's ancestors upto and including P but not the appenders in any of the 
>ancestors of P.
>Categories have their additivity flag set to true by default.

yup read this and semi disagree on the implementation of it (theory is fine).

While this make sense from the logical way of thinking about it,  it seems 
that when you are actually working with your log config files  you will do 
something like the following:

<!-- start of the RobotNetworkConnectionLobbyImpl -->
  <category name="">
  <priority value="debug" />
   <appender-ref ref="defaultNetworkLogger" />
<!-- end of the RobotNetworkConnectionLobbyImpl -->

keeping your category object as a template with:  (note this template is 
poor but it serves the purpose for now)

  <appender-ref ref="defaultNetworkLogger" />            ALWAYS with the 

ie later on down the road you want to EASILY and with little to no work / 
brain power on your side change/add an appender to a category  you just 
want to change/add the ref="<var>"    and voila you are done!

Also it seems to me that once your config file becomes at all large / with 
other people adding to it, the hierarchy of the appenders it going to get 
very complex and possibly even intractable to understand :-)

When this comes to be, then it seems a really nice idea to be able to do:

<!-- start of the RobotNetworkConnectionLobbyImpl -->
  <category name="">
  <priority value="debug" />
   <appender-ref ref="defaultNetworkLogger" />
   <appender-ref ref="foo" />
   <appender-ref ref="bar" />
<!-- end of the RobotNetworkConnectionLobbyImpl -->

And we ALWAYS want to be additive because we don't know what is higher up 
on the hierarchy that someone else made and is depending on being 
there.  But for our current debugging session or for the next N days we 
want to log something specific, we need to add a bunch of appenders which 
may or may not be the same as the ones higher in the hierarchy.

When this occurs, duplicates are inserted and results in numDups x 
output.    To me this seems that the implementation should be more 
forgiving and not count duplicates if they are inserted for that 
category.  (ie this results in NO functional change to what is logged but 
allows the user to be really explicit in their categories).  The assumption 
being here:  that you never want to log the same thing twice to an appender 
(I can't ever think of a reason why you would want to do this).

Further, we are debugging the following:   and we turn off additivity as the amount of data generated 
and being emailed out to people is driving them insane.

in  we get the shaft as the inherited appenders from our 
parent  ( has been turned off, even tho we still wanted all of 
the rest of the classes to get the "normal" appenders, just not

so now to make things "work" we need to go and add all of the previously 
inherited appenders to  and then remember to take them 
out again once we turn additivity back on in  .

Further, some child class deep down is depending on some parent appender 
being there.  Sadly, someone decides that some high, in the hierarchy, 
category needs to be changes to appender57!  The child NEEDS to have 
appender56.  Someone looked and looked and just missed this fact and bad 
things occur.   With duplicates caught on insert, the child could have 
explicitly stated that they NEED appender56 and if some one changed 
parent's appenders, no worry.

You could say:  just turn off additivity if you want to be explicit!  But 
that is wrong as you really want the POWER of the inherited appenders being 
additive so you can, over the entire project, turn on the uber logger!  Or 
add another type of logger that everyone inherits.

Also being 100% explicit is a maintenance nightmare.  But allowing specific 
categories to explicitly state their appenders is a GREAT thing.

To sum up:  I don't see any functional / result change from having the 
DOMConfigurator check to see if an appender is already in the list for a 
specific category.  If it is in the list then don't add it again. If it is 
not in the list then add it.

And then because of this your life when making a category is much much 
easier, as you can say: gee this category needs to have the following 
appenders: <long list of appenders>   and you can be happy knowing that 
that list is the minimum set of appenders (you may have more from the 
parents and you don't really care about them in so much as you know that 
the parent will correctly log what is needed and you as yourself are 
logging what you need, explicitly).


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