
How about:

configDir = /usr/local/my_project/prod/logs

log4j.category.my_category=INFO, MY_Appender1, MY_Appender2, MY_Appender3,
MY_Appender4, MY_Appender5, MY_Appender6, MY_Appender7

Log4j supports variable substitution in config files. Hope this helps. Ceki

At 15:34 14.03.2001 -0800, Greg Knight wrote:
>I am playing with Log4J using both FileAppender and RollingFileAppender. In
>defining the appenders (via a config file), I have a line similiar to:
>My question is how do I make path to trace.log relative? The path will
>change based on the environment in which the code executes. For example, the
>fulll path in development might be c:\my_project\dev\logs\trace.log. In QA
>the path might be /usr/local/my_project/qa/logs/trace.log. In production it
>might be /usr/local/my_project/prod/logs/trace.log. 
>While it is not that difficult to just change the config file, I would
>rather not have to put the full path in the config file for each file
>appender. The problem exacerbates when I have numerous file appenders
>declared in the config file. Each one would need to be different depending
>on which environment the code is hosted. Additionally, if I share the config
>file with other developers on the project, they will have to modify each
>file appender in the config file if their directory structure is different. 
>What I would really like to do is following:
>/********************** config file ********************************/
>configDir = /usr/local/my_project/prod/logs/
>log4j.category.my_category=INFO, MY_Appender1, MY_Appender2, MY_Appender3,
>MY_Appender4, MY_Appender5, MY_Appender6, MY_Appender7
>// other stuff
>/************** end of config file *****************************/
>/************ Java code *************************************/
>Enumeration appenders = cat.getAllAppenders();
>while (appenders.hasMoreElements())
>        Appender = (Appender) appenders.nextElement();
>        if (Appender instanceOf FileAppender)
>        {
>                FileAppender fa = (FileAppender) Appender;
>                fa.setPath(props.getProperty("configDir");              //
>how do I do this
>        }
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I hope to see you at my ApacheCon 2001 presentation 
entitled "Log4j, A Logging Package for Java".

See http://ApacheCon.Com/2001/US/ for more details.

Ceki Gülcü          Web:     
av. de Rumine 5     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
CH-1005 Lausanne           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Switzerland         Tel: ++41 21 351 23 15

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