I just joined the log4j-user list  yesterday. I have spent sometimes to
look into log4j and I like it a lots (Thanks to Ceki Gulcu and all the
folks who help develop log4j). I may use log4j for the project I
participate in. I have a few questions concerning log4j:

     a) Would I be  able to use log4j inside an EJB and with the latest
version of JDK, JDK 1.3?

     b) Do I have to rebuild and regenerate the two .jar files:
log4j-core.jar and log4j.jar?

     c) Does log4j-1.0.4.zip include the latest sources I would need if I
have to rebuild the .jar files?

     d) What kind of experience have you had using log4j inside EJBs?
     Is there any way I can scan log4j-user list for its archived questions
and answers?

Thank you very much!

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