At 20:32 28.03.2001 +0100, Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:
>"Michael A. Brooke" wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have managed to use the BasicConfigurator and see my debug messages.
>> I am trying to change to the PropertyConfigurator and use the config
>> file but I am unable to read the file I set up.
>see post on absolute paths
>> Where should I put it?
>this is actually a good question
>> I also have been reading some links between log4j and tomcat.  Is there
>> a complete example or write up of how these two work together.  My
>> application is written using tomcat and mysql, any help and suggestions
>> would be very much appreciated.

Tomcat 3.x does not use log4j. However, as far as I know, Tomcat 4.0, or more 
precisely Catalina, the Servlet container for Servlet API Specification 2.3, has opted 
to use log4j internally. I'll double check this shortly. 

The Tomcat API provides hooks to use different logging package then the one provided 
by tomcat internally. I have not used this extension facility extensions myself. 
However, I intend to study it in the near future.

Let me also add that I am in midst of writing a web application specifically designed 
to view log output generated by clients using log4j. This web application will be a 
paying extension to log4j. 

>i believe that the link is that log4j is being used internally by tomcat
>for logging (maybe somebody who knows more would like to jump in here)
>rather than directly supporting logging and debugging webapps being run by
>tomcat (at the moment).
>IMHO using log4j to debug webapps is a good idea, but does require
>tweaks/extensions to log4j and also raises general webapp design issues. i
>don't know if there is a general consensus about 'the way to do it' (maybe
>somebody how know more would like to jump in here)...

Actually, I have been using log4j out of the box in my web applications. One has to 
follow the servlet life cycle, in init() to intialize log4j and in destroy() to close 
appenders with Category.shutdown(). Logging to the console also works without any 
special steps. I am using Tomcat 3.2. Regards, Ceki

Ceki Gülcü          Web:    
                email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope to see you at my ApacheCon 2001 presentation 
entitled "Log4j, A Logging Package for Java".

See http://ApacheCon.Com/2001/US/ for more details.

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