Ceki Gülcü wrote:

> Tomcat 3.x does not use log4j. However, as far as I know, Tomcat 4.0, or more 
>precisely Catalina, the Servlet container for Servlet API Specification 2.3, has 
>opted to use log4j internally. I'll double check this shortly.
> The Tomcat API provides hooks to use different logging package then the one provided 
>by tomcat internally. I have not used this extension facility extensions myself. 
>However, I intend to study it in the near future.

I'm not so sure that Tomcat (or any other kind of app server) using
log4j is a good thing. It was this very situation that got me to
investigate log4j in the first place.  I was using IBM's Component
Broker which uses JRAS (an ancient version of IBM's JLOG).  At first I
was happy that I was getting a log package for free.  JRAS was there by
virtue of my app running in Component Broker.

But as new versions of JRAS came out, I realized I couldn't use them
without risking an incompatibility with Component Broker (which relied
on an earlier version).  I was essentially stuck with whatever version
my appserver was using.  Since logging tools tend to release more often
than app servers, this significantly compromised the logging
effectiveness.  By using a tool like log4j that is not part of the app
server, I can choose to upgrade (or choose not to) whenever I want.  I
can also tweak the code for certain specific needs without having to
worry about impact to the app server.

- Paul
Beware of bugs in the above code.  I have
only proved it correct, not tried it.
-Don Knuth

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