Hi Pradipta,
Instead of calling BasicConfigurator(), call BasiConfigurator with Appender as
an argument.
Here is the sample code
java.io.OutputStream os = null;
  os = new FileOutputStream("C:\\Test.log.txt",true); //mind you double slash
after c:
 }catch(IOException e){
  System.out.println("Could not open file");
 Appender myAppender = new FileAppender(new
PatternLayout(PatternLayout.TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN), os);

Hope it works


Pradipta Chatterjee wrote:

> Hi,
> I am a beginner to the Log4J community and was inetersted to use this to log
> my Sys.out to specific txt files.
> My Code
> =======
> import org.apache.log4j.*;
> public class Class1 {
>       public static void main(String args[]){
>           BasicConfigurator.configure();
>         Category cat = Category.getInstance(Class1.class.getName());
>           //cat.addAppender(A1); ******* I tried this step but could not
> follow how to direct output to a file
>         cat.setPriority(Priority.DEBUG);
>         cat.warn("Low fuel level.");
>         cat.debug("Starting search for nearest gas station.");
>       }//end of main
> }//end of Class1
> The Purpose of my application is to direct the Sys.out to a log file say
> C:\Test.log.txt.
> Obviously I am missing something....some intermediate step.
> Can anyone please let me know how to solve this? Any URL or sample code is
> welcome.
> I apologise for sounding so illiterate.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Prodi.
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Sachin Wadhwa
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