Hi ,

I don't understand why the backupfile is created only sometime and the other Time it  
isn't created.
I cann't  to fix the problem because i don't change my code and my Configurationfile. 
and run my application one or two time i got the Backup file and the other time
haven't gotten any backup file.
I used at first the log4i version 1.1.b1 and than i replaced  this version with the 
log4j 1.0.4.  because i thought it is perhaps a bag of beta Version.
I have still the same problem with the log4j  version  1.0.4 .
I need this Rolling Featur of Log4j. 
I have looked at the archive but  i didn't found any case about this Problem.
Can anyone help me.

Thanks for the help..


If you want more, set MaxBackupIndex=10, and you will end up with 10 files:

An:     log4j-user%jakarta.apache.org
Blindkopie:     Simin Zolfaghari
Thema:  Betr.: Re: where is the backup file

Von:    SCOTT.FARQUHAR%sydneywater.com.au @ Internet
Datum:  05.04.2001 03:29

Reply-To: log4j-user%jakarta.apache.org@Internet

If you set MaxBackupIndex=1 , then you will only get one backup file.

If you want more, set MaxBackupIndex=10, and you will end up with 10 files:


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/04/01 08:52pm >>>
I have set the MaxBackupIndex of one ,  (two and tree ..) in the Config-file

I call the rollOver() in my applikation-code 
cat = Category.getInstance("CAT");
PropertyConfigurator.configure( c:/itp/logmpl/log-test.properties"));
RollingFileAppender  a =(RollingFileAppender)cat.getAppender("A1");

 and run my test_applikation. There was only one time a bakeupfile  with the name 
but not other more. Wenn i repeated  the test, it wasn't anymore  backeup file created 
and the exist bakeupFile C:/itp/logImpl/logtest.log.1   was disposed.
i don'nt know why only one time was the bakeup file created. 


An:     log4j-user%jakarta.apache.org
Blindkopie:     Simin Zolfaghari
Thema:  Re: where is the backup file

Von:    SCOTT.FARQUHAR%sydneywater.com.au @ Internet
Datum:  04.04.2001 00:54

Reply-To: log4j-user%jakarta.apache.org@Internet

>From the javaDoc on RollingFileAppender:
public void rollOver()
Implemetns the usual roll over behaviour. 
If MaxBackupIndex is positive, then files {File.1, ..., File.MaxBackupIndex -1} are 
renamed to 
{File.2, ..., File.MaxBackupIndex}. Moreover, File is renamed File.1 and closed. 
A new File is created to receive further log output. 

If MaxBackupIndex is equal to zero, then the File is truncated with no backup files 

So your backup file would be 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/04/01 12:36am >>>

I have implemented a Simple class " LogImpl"  that included one Catagory  named "CAT".
I have to to specify a MaxFileSize and a Backupfile. The test-application with this 
Class run correctly but I
 don't know where is saved my Backup file and wath is the Name of the Backupfile .  
Is it possible to specify the name of the Backupfile?
I can't find any Backup file .

the Configuration file look like.

# Set root category priority to DEBUG and its only appender to A1.
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1

# A1 is set to be a FileAppender which outputs to test.log. 
# A1 uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c{1} %x - %m%n
# Keep one backup file




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