I think what you're describing ought to work just fine. Can you send a
properties file that contains non-log4j entries and which fails
configuring correctly?


korosh wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a web application that uses Log4j.
> I have alot of properties associated with this web application that I read
> off of a main property file.
> Wonderining if I could take all of the log4j varible=value pairs and just
> put them into this property file, call it myprops.properties and then feed
> this to the log4j configurator like:
> PropertyConfigurator.configure( myprops.properties )
> ???
> I tried the above, but the log4j complained that no appender defined for A1
> (my appender).
> I took the log4j varible/value pairs out of myprops.properties and put them
> into a seperate file and that did the job.
> all the entires in myprops.properties are varible/value pairs anyways. I
> assumed PropertyConfigurator would simply throw away all the other
> properties and only load the log4j.* entries.
> any ideas?
> i'd rather have one property file for my application only.
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