Hi Ceki,

I have a few issues that I would like to discuss, I need some advice
as I'm doing some refactoring in Turbine and I'm not sure what the
best practice is vis-à-vis logging in components and/or packages
that are used by a parent application.

I have just started some work on refactoring the Turbine services
framework in order to add some additional functionality. One step
is to clean up some of the logging interdependencies so any advice
would be greatly appreciated. Right now the logging in the services
depends on a sibling logging service which I don't think is the
correct way to provide logging in components ...

My initial response is to want to pass into the ServicesManager an object
that encapsulates all logging capability before the ServicesManager
initializes all the services.

I use log4j for all my logging needs but when it comes to logging
in components I might like to use the API provided in the JSR 047.
Is the JSR 047 going to become standard for logging? Has anyone done
any work to implement the JSR 047 API using log4j underneath?

I am looking ahead while
thinking about splitting various pieces of Turbine out of the core:
these separate pieces will operate independently but I want
logging to be cohesive. I'm sure there's a lot of experience here
WRT logging cohesively across a set of components which is why
I'm asking :-)

I have not looked at the components in the commons as they may
already provide some answers: maybe tools like the DCP in the commons
do provide a way to log cohesively. I will look.

Any comments or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I am working
on separating out the services framework now and I would like to get
it into the commons sandbox in a couple of weeks but right now I'm
not clear on logging. I figured the best advice would come from here :-)




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