   I am trying to log statements to a JMS queue using the default appender
provided with log4j. I am using log4j1.1.1. I set up the config file as
shown below:

===> Config file start <===
        ### JMS Appender
===> Config file end <===

  I have removed the other parts of the config file for readability. There
are a console and file logging too enabled.

  I am working in the JBOSS environment. I created and tested a JMS queue
with a normal test messaging application. Also, did that for a JMS topic.

  Now, when I log my statement to category A1. The statement gets logged to
file and console but not to the Queue/Topic.

  I tried to launch JMSSink with the topic/queue name and I got a "<Queue
Name> not bound" error.

  Could anybody whose done logging to JMS using log4j please let me know
what I am doing wrong? Thanks for the same.


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