
I've been using DOM configurator for months without a problem.  Suddenly, I
can't make it do what I want.  Before I delve into my specific problem, can
we review a couple questions/answers I've seen discussed in the past.

1. Validation

Awhile back someone posted a way to suppress validation by removing the
DOCTYPE tag and namespace.  This was a quick and simple way to avoid sax
warnings about no error handler, which although harmless, are nonetheless
unpleasant.  At the time, I tried it and it worked.  Now I can't get it to
work again; if I remove the DOCTYPE and log4j namespace, I get log4j error
about the "configuration" element (no namespace) not existing.  If I remove
only the DOCTYPE but leave the namespace, it works, but the sax warnings are
still there.  What's the story behind validation, and what's the prefered
action to avoid sax warnings?

2. Order subelements

The log4j.dtd specifies an order for subelements:

        <!ELEMENT logj:configuration (renderer*, appender*,category*,root?)>

which I recall mentioned in response to a problem where the order wasn't
obeyed.  However, I seem to able to put subelements in any order, and it has
always worked.  I confused; is there an order required or not?  If so, why
does it work when I disobey it?


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