Huh?  Please describe in detail why using NDC is not sufficent.  From my
personal experience NDC seems to meet all of my needs. 

Now it is possible that you want a log per thread for ease of reading... ???
If so it's a simple matter to hack out a script that parses your master log
file, and outputs messages only from some specified thread.  (Or posibbly
wait til the ThreadAppender mentioned on this mailing list earlier is

So far as "cost effects", have you observed an performance issue?  Do not
confuse calling Category.getInstance() as being the same as actually
creating an instance each time it is called.  Even if you take the approach
that you described wherein you have one Category per Class per Thread, if
you had 50 classes, and 10 threads, that is still only 500 Category

I agree this seems large, but it's not prohibitive, and it must really make
your code look ugly. (I cannot even imagine the tedium involved there, what
do you do?  something like: 
    Category.getInstance(this.getClass() + " on "
Thread.currentThread().getName()).debug("msg from some method.");
every time you want to log? yuck.  Or are you tricky and use a ThreadLocal
field to hold the category?

Or perhaps, I've misread your message and missed your point.  Anyway, I'd
sugest NDC, and post-processing the log to solve your issue.

John Volkar

-----Original Message-----
From: amarnath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 3:50 AM
To: LOG4J Users Mailing List
Subject: query in instantiations


B'fore the query, i need to explain the situation what i'm facing.
The Current working model is an mutithreaded scenario.. where the
'n' number of classes accessed at time diffenrently. I need to 
identify which class the thread is currently accessing and need to 
know the Business Logic sequence currently in the flow.

So i have to get the instance of Category class dynamically 
according classes which the thread is currently executing... so 
creating instances of Category class dynamically makes some pain, 
when executing in large process. Even though i tried with NDC, its 
helpful only in some Scenarios to identify... when i try to found 
any Error or Execptions from a class, i have to go only in 
particular class instantitions only.(for Dynamic instantiations)..

can any gone give me a suggestion how to get the Instances of 
Category objects,which should give me the correct informations .
(i.e) mainly by reducing the instantiation COST effects !!!

And thanks in advance for valuble replies...




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