
I currently use PropertyConfigurator.configure(filename) 
to initialize the generic logging framework that is used 
throughout my applications. I would like to have a 
separate logging configuration for a particular part of 
my system (log to a different kind of appender, with a
different layout). I am thinking of creating a new hierarchy 
for that. I looked at the SocketServer code and am planning 
to do the following:

    Hierarchy h = new Hierarchy(new RootCategory(Priority.DEBUG));
      File configFile = new File(configFilename);
      if (configFile.exists()) {
  new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(configFile.getAbsolutePath(), h);
        return h.getInstance("MY_APP LOG");
      else {
        // return default logging hierarchy

Is that the proper way to accomplish this?

Thanks for your help,

-Fabien Modoux

Fabien Modoux,
Voicemate - http://www.voicemate.com

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