Our company is relatively new to Java in general so please bear with me.  We
are trying to use log4j within WebSphere 3.5 on HP_UX.  We are also using
resource bundles to obtain the log.properties file within our programs. The
problem centers around using EJBs in addition to Web Apps (i.e., not
included within an EJB).  Log4j is located within a jar file in the EJB
directory.  It is not part of an EJB.  If a Web App initializes log4j before
an EJB all is well.  But once an EJB initializes log4j all subsequent Web
Apps pick up the property file settings of the EJB (or the log4j instance
itself) and then their log statements write to the EJB logs.  I've read the
document on Understanding WebSphere Classpaths but somewhere I've missed
something because I still can't get this working.  EJBs will always be
higher in the Classpath than Web Apps so how do I get around this problem?
Should we initialize the A1 (root) appender as a Singleton and then have
each App add its own appender?  Are there problems with using resource
bundles for this?  Please help. This is a showstopper for us and we have one
project that is pulling out log4j code in order to go to production on time.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Steve Eidenschink

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