Hi there, I`m a Log4J newbie, so this is probably a very stupid

I`m currently using Log4J in a number of classes, each class having its
own Category.

However, in one class I would like to turn off debug for the entire
suite of classes, not just the current class.  I need to be able to do
this from the software, not Log4J config file.  I`ve tried the following
with no success:


Have I missed something really obvious?!

On a related note, I notice that through getHierarchy() I can
disableDebug(), yet there is no corresponding enableDebug() or similar. 
Is there any way around having to enableAll()?

Finally, is there a Log4J FAQ / mail archive for future reference?



Richard Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AePONA Ltd. Interpoint Building
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BT15 1AQ, N.Ireland

Phone: +44 2890 275238
Fax:   +44 2890 269111

"In my rugby shirt signed by Justin Hayward
 I will rule the world...
 Playing Risk"

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