    Under the current implementation the file is only copied to the new
name (dogtest.log -> dogtest.log.2001-07-10) if the application is
running at the time when the change should occur ie midnight.  So if you
stop the application before midnight and start it again the next day then
it will continue to log to the same file.

    Is that the problem?


$B=t(B wrote:

> Dear Mr.
>     I have a trouble about the setting of the datePattern option
> in DailyRollingFileAppender.
>     I wrote the setting as follows:
>          log4j.appender.D=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender
>          log4j.appender.D.File=dogtest.log
>          log4j.appender.D.DatePattern='.'yyyy-MM-dd
> the log contents are regularly output to the file "dogtest.log",
> but even the date changed, the file name won't be copied to
> "dogtest.log.2001-07-10".
>     Would you please tell me how to solve the problem.
>     Thank you in advance!
>                                                          Veronica Zhu
>                                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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