Hmm, that hits the boundary of my knowledge - I don't know anything about
the JMSAppender itself! The problem I guess is that log4j is specifically
designed not to throw exceptions, and it doesn't look like you can
interogate an Appender to determine its state. All I can guess is that you'd
want to check all preconditions for the JMSAppender to work with your own
code before trying to create the appender. Then if your checks fail,
initialise the other appender. Alternatively why not just use two appenders
by default? You could for example easily add a FileAppender or even another
Async appender like an SMTPAppender.

----- Original Message -----
To: "'LOG4J Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 8:57 AM
Subject: RE: Appender problem. Please help

> Hello Sam,
> Thank you very much for your support.
> I also have a wrapper on top of log4j. But Say if JMS Appender fails
> to initialize then I want my singleton to be notified so  that it can look
> for initializing say a fall back appender. I don't need both together.
> Now this is my question How can the singleton be notified, if the
> JMS Appender fails to initialize ( Say jms topic does not exist ).
> Take Care,
> Roy

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