On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Fergus Gallagher wrote:

| Have a look at the "NDC" stuff in the documentation.

And at Thread.currentThread().setName("user:"+username); and configure
your logger to include the threadname.

Also, you should be able to make a separate logfile for each user, by
using a Category.getInstance(username) and make an appender for each user,
this could probably be done dynamically.

Just some ideas, I'm not sure how to implement the last one there.

| >hi there,
| >
| >we are currently testing our application and found one problem:
| >
| >as it is a multiuser webapplication (using weblogic and jrun) it
| >is quite difficult, if an error occurs, to tell who caused it.
| >
| >e.g. if i found and error and want to see the logfile it is not
| >hardly possible to find out which entry belongs to my thread.
| >
| >is it possible to name the threads, e.g. to give them a user id
| >or how else can i "personalize" my log entries?


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