Glad you found the problem!  (I was going to answer your
question that no, I don't have a .properties file.)

Here's a much simpler question:  how do you make log4j 
generate debug output of *all* of its internal activity, 
not just configuration?  When I set 
<log4j.configuration debug="true"> it only outputs
configuration messages.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Perry Hoekstra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 2:32 PM
> To: LOG4J Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Assigning appenders to priorities?
> Perry Hoekstra wrote:
> > Blacha, Bart wrote:
> > 
> >> Beats me...  I'm quite new to log4j and I've never seen
> >> such behavior. Sorry.  Hope someone else on the list can help you.
> >>
> >> If all else fails, the beauty of open source is, we can hack the 
> >> source and see how it works :-)
> >>
> >> -Bart
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Do you have to have a if you defined a 
> configuration 
> > file?  I turned on LogLog for Log4J initialization and this 
> is what I 
> > received:
> > 
> > log4j: Trying to find [] using 
> > sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@
> > 4afa9e class loader.
> > log4j: Trying to find [] using 
> > ClassLoader.getSystemResource().
> > log4j: Could not find resource: [].
> > new Category: [org.apache.log4j.Category@7e9bf]
> > log4j: System property is 
> :weblogic.xml.jaxp.RegistryDocumentBuilderFactory
> > log4j: Standard DocumentBuilderFactory search succeded.
> > log4j: DocumentBuilderFactory is: 
> > weblogic.xml.jaxp.RegistryDocumentBuilderFacto
> > ry
> > log4j: URL to log4j.dtd is 
> > [jar:file:/user/hoeksp1/bea/wl6.0/lib/third_party/log
> > 4j.jar!/org/apache/log4j/xml/log4j.dtd].
> > log4j: debug attribute= "null".
> > log4j: Ignoring debug attribute.
> > log4j: Disable override="null".
> > log4j: Disable ="null".
> > log4j: Priority value for root is  [debug].
> > log4j: root priority set to DEBUG
> > log4j: Class name: [org.apache.log4j.FileAppender]
> > log4j: Setting property [file] to [config/internet/logs/debug.log].
> > log4j: Setting property [append] to [false].
> > log4j: Parsing layout of class: "org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout"
> > log4j: Setting property [dateFormat] to [ISO8601].
> > log4j: Setting property [priorityToMatch] to [DEBUG].
> > log4j: Setting property [acceptOnMatch] to [true].
> > log4j: Adding appender named [file_debug] to category [root].
> > log4j: Class name: [com.medtronic.weblogic.WebLogicLogAppender]
> > log4j: Parsing layout of class: "org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout"
> > log4j: Setting property [dateFormat] to [ISO8601].
> > log4j: Setting property [priorityToMatch] to [INFO].
> > log4j: Setting property [acceptOnMatch] to [true].
> > log4j: Adding appender named [weblogic_info] to category [root].
> > log4j: Class name: [com.medtronic.weblogic.WebLogicLogAppender]
> > log4j: Parsing layout of class: "org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout"
> > log4j: Setting property [dateFormat] to [ISO8601].
> > log4j: Setting property [priorityToMatch] to [WARN].
> > log4j: Setting property [acceptOnMatch] to [true].
> > log4j: Adding appender named [weblogic_warn] to category [root].
> > log4j: Class name: [com.medtronic.weblogic.WebLogicLogAppender]
> > log4j: Parsing layout of class: "org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout"
> > log4j: Setting property [dateFormat] to [ISO8601].
> > log4j: Setting property [priorityToMatch] to [ERROR].
> > log4j: Setting property [acceptOnMatch] to [true].
> > log4j: Adding appender named [weblogic_error] to category [root].
> > 
> Doh!
> I think I found my problem.  I have been trying out the 
> Jakarta Cactus 
> testing framework.  Because I had LogLog on, I found this in 
> my server log:
> log4j: Parsing for [root] with value=[DEBUG, cactus].
> log4j: Priority token is [DEBUG].
> log4j: Category root set to DEBUG
> log4j: Parsing appender named "cactus".
> log4j: Parsing layout options for "cactus".
> log4j: Setting property [conversionPattern] to [%r [%t] %-5p 
> %c{2} %x - 
> %m %n].
> log4j: End of parsing for "cactus".
> log4j: Setting property [append] to [false].
> log4j: Setting property [file] to [cactus_server.log].
> log4j: Parsed "cactus" options.
> log4j: Finished configuring.
> and I found my logging statements in the cactus_server.log file.
> Cactus' log4j configuration was blowing away my own app's log4j 
> configuration.
> -- 
> Perry Hoekstra
> E-Commerce Architect
> Talent Software Services
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