Removing the fa.setThreshold(Priority.DEBUG) doesn't work. Also, often (although not 
always), I get INFO messages written to the Console, although they shouldn't be...


>>> Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 26/07/2001 18:25:21 >>>
At 15:02 26.07.2001 +0100, you wrote:
>I've got a really strange problem...
>I have a small block of code which configures up log4j (see below). If the code is 
>placed in one class, log4j works a treat. If I place the code in a method in another 
>class, and call that method to execute the code, log4j doesn't seem to play ball 
>(e.g. DEBUGs are not written to the file as they should be)
>ConsoleAppender ca;
>RollingFileAppender fa;
>Category root = Category.getRoot();
>PatternLayout pl=new PatternLayout("%d{dd MMM HH:mm} %-5p %c %x - %m%n");
>ca = new ConsoleAppender(pl);
>     fa = new RollingFileAppender(pl, "log4j.log", true);
>catch( e)
>     System.err.println("Unable to create logfile");
>     return;

Appender thresholds are inclusive. Remove the call fa.setThreshold(Priority.DEBUG);
This causes your DEBUG messages to be filtered out.

Regards, Ceki

Ceki Gülcü - 

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