> >> Well, chainsaw already acts as a prety good socket listener.
> I know chainsaw, but we need more.

Well, chainsaw is open source - what about using it as a starting point and
expanding it to include what you want?

> >> But if I understand you correctly, you want the socket listener
> >> itself to then re-log messages to various sources?
> >> Why not just have this done in the first place, rather than going
> >> the overhead of relogging the same messages?
> For 2 major reasons :
>  - that would mean changing the log4j configuration file on each client
>    each time we would need to change the monitoring preferences !
>  - clients would have to call the JDBCAppender, SMTPAppender ..
>      !! performance, traffic, rights (access to the log DB), ..
> The log server - the smart socket listener - is definitively the one that
has to know what to do.

OK, understood. This isn't too much of an issue with us, as our clients have
an auto-update feature, but I can quite understand your point. What I would
say is make sure you can identify the client the message came from (sorry if
I'm stating the obvious!) - check the NDC stuff.

I don't recall what license chainsaw is released under - if its LGPL or
Apache style, you'll have no problem editing the code for commercial
purposes. If its GPL, your supposed to make your midified version avaliable
as opensource....


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