Do you log those new fields individually like into a table? Do you use any

- Tim
Timothy G. Mullé
Senior Software Architect
Reuters Valley Forge Solutions Center
1000 Madison Avenue
Norristown, PA 19403-2432

Phone: (610) 650-8600 x8340
Fax:      (610) 650-8170

                    Seemantini Godbole                                                 
                    <SEEMANTINI.GODBOLE@get        To:     "'LOG4J Users Mailing 
List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                   
          >                     cc:                                 
                                                   Subject:     RE: log4j for Auditing 
                    08/06/2001 03:42 PM                                                
                    Please respond to                                                  
                    "LOG4J Users Mailing                                               


First  of all I created and used a class called ThreadInfo (very similar to
MDC that is  being talked about) to record user, component, request etc. So
this gets logged  on every line of the log.

Secondly, I created priority levels called PERFORMANCE and TRANSACTION.
Performance is for logging time taken by components. Transaction is to
log the 'shopping cart' everytime somebody placed something in the shopping

Currently these two levels are used only around common entry points. For
example, we have a common entry point in servlet, where different
components are used to service requests. I have put performance logging
around it in my servlet. Similarly we have common point of entry for buying
logic and I have put Transaction logging around it.

Hope  this helps,
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Mangelson  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 2:16  PM
Subject: log4j for  Auditing

It seems that log4j could be used for Auditing as  well as general
debugging and logging.  We need to do some basic audit  trails: Userid,
what they did, which component, timestamp, etc.

My question is this:  Has anyone used log4j  for this?  And if so, what
priority do you log these things at?  It  needs to 'log' all the time, and
therefore should be 'ERROR' or 'FATAL', but  these priorities do not seem
appropriate for audit trails.


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