Strange error here.
In my Servlet class (foo) I defined a static field member as
private static Category log;
and in its Constructor is
log = Category.getRoot();
I can now log until the cows come home.
Now then, I have another class (foobar) which is instantiated via reflection
by foo from foo's service() method
foobar has a static field member as
private static Category log;
and in its Constructor is
log = Category.getInstance( this.getClass().getName() );
and when foo tries to reflect foobar I recevied a
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
foobar never gets instantiated foo keeps chugging along and logs without a
if I remove the log = from foobars construtor foobar can be reflected just
Any ideas?
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