If you are using tomcat, each webapp works independently of the other, and
to my understanding it has it's own class loader separated from the other
What I do is have log4j.jar in each webapps /WEB_INF/lib directory and the
use a different log4j.properties logging to a file appender (to a different
Each app logs with it's own priority and categories without a problem.
I think this approeach should work for you also.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Tuft Muller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 12:38 AM
> To: LOG4J Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Log4j in multiple Webapps under single JVM
> You can have several "instances" of log4j running within a single VM by
> using multiple hierarchies. You better read the code for
> org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy to understand this fully.
> See org.apache.log4j.SocketServer for an example of how to configure and
> utilize multiple Hierarchy instances.
> Hope this helps
> --
> Thomas
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: Steven J Saunders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> | Sent: 10 September 2001 07:12
> | Subject: Log4j in multiple Webapps under single JVM
> |
> |
> | Hi All,
> |
> | I want to use Log4j to do logging in a J2EE webapp I am writing.
> | I'm worried
> | about a couple of things though.
> |
> | The webapp I am writing will be deployed multiple times inside a
> | single JVM.
> | I want each separate webapp to log to a separate file, and I want
> | to be able
> | to configure Log4j separately for each webapp.
> |
> | Can this be done?
> |
> | At the moment I'm using the following code in a servlet (loaded
> | at startup)
> | to init Log4j:
> |
> | String prefix = getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
> | String file = getInitParameter("log4j-init-file");
> | // if the log4j-init-file is not set, then no point in trying
> | if(file != null) {
> |    PropertyConfigurator.configure(prefix+file);
> |    System.out.println("***** Log4j Initialised *****");
> | }
> |
> | If a second webapp is subsequently launched, will it's
> | configuration clobber
> | the config of the first? What if I have a config file that
> looks something
> | like this:
> |
> | log4j.appender.<WEBAPP-NAME AGAIN>=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
> | log4j.appender.<WEBAPP-NAME AGAIN>.File=<WEBAPPNAME AGAIN>.log
> |
> | Will that work? Can many webapps be loaded one after the other
> with config
> | files like the above without clobbering each other's configs?
> |
> | Is there a better way to do this?
> |
> | Thanks.
> | __
> | Steve Saunders
> |
> |
> |
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> |
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