| If you have multiple async-appenders going to a single file you
| could be in
| trouble.  File writing is all synchronized in the bowels of java.io, but
| renaming depends on your specific implementation of FileSystem.
| It's entirely
| possible that file renaming is not really thread safe.


| I have a two suggestions:
| Use a different log file for each async-appender: no chance of
| lock collisions
| among appenders

I do this for all appenders except that all categories log to the root
appender which also is async/rollingfile. I've actually not managed to
prevent this since

        <Additivity value="false"/>

does not seem to work. All entries are still logged to the root-category.

| Use CompositeRollingAppender with options so that no file rolling
| ever occurs --
| this requires incrementing backup numbers in the opposite
| direction (higher
| numbers are newer files) but you won't deadlock on rollovers.

This is probably a stupid comment, but where is the
CompositeRollingAppender? It's not included in the 1.1.3 distribution.

I suspected the roll-over was buggy. I think I've seen an earlier posting
about this. I think this revolved around which object used as mutex during
roll-over, and might be the cause of my problem.

Thanks for your help.



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