this one is for Windows (I am using on winNT)
So, configuration file for the remote machine to logging should always have a file 
name called ?


-----Original Message-----
From:   Ceki Gülcü 
Sent:   Tuesday, September 25, 2001 1:46 AM
To:     LOG4J Users Mailing List
Subject:        Re: configureHierarchy method

What type of a machine is this? Anyway, you can modify the code so that it
takes the string after the '/' if '/' is the first character in the string. Regards, 

At 16:14 24.09.2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi, all.
>Following is the source code for configureHierarchy method which is in SocketServer 
>The code I am in question is that when 7 and 8th line of code (including comment). 
>When inetAddress.toString() gets executed, it returns /my.local.ip.number.
>And then next line it searches for the index of "/".  Since toString method returns a 
>string starting with "/", index will be set to zero.
>Thus on the else clause, "String key = s.substring(0, i);".  The key variable will be 
>set to blank.  
>So, that is the reason why my File statement fails.  (c:/.lcf will be the formed 
>How is everybody coping with this, if you want to run the client from command line by 
>passing the configuration file absolute path?
>Thanks for your help!!
>  // This method assumes that there is no hiearchy for inetAddress
>  // yet. It will configure one and return it.
>  Hierarchy configureHierarchy(InetAddress inetAddress) {
>    cat.info("Locating configuration file for "+inetAddress);
>    // We assume that the toSting method of InetAddress returns is in
>    // the format hostname/d1.d2.d3.d4 e.g. torino/
>    String s = inetAddress.toString();
>    int i = s.indexOf("/");
>    if(i == -1) {
>      cat.warn("Could not parse the inetAddress ["+inetAddress+
>               "]. Using default hierarchy.");
>      return genericHierarchy();
>    } else {
>      String key = s.substring(0, i);
>      File configFile = new File(dir, key+CONFIG_FILE_EXT);
>      if(configFile.exists()) {
>        Hierarchy h = new Hierarchy(new RootCategory(Priority.DEBUG));
>        hierarchyMap.put(inetAddress, h);
>        new PropertyConfigurator().doConfigure(configFile.getAbsolutePath(), h);
>        return h;       
>      } else {
>        cat.warn("Could not find config file ["+configFile+"].");
>        return genericHierarchy();
>      }
>    }
>  }
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Ceki Gülcü - http://qos.ch

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