
At 17:06 03.10.2001 +0100, you wrote:
> > Why creates RollingFileAppender only example.log and
> > example1.log? I need
> > exampleN.log files.
>That's a case of configuring MaxBackupIndex - just set it to 15 to get
>files example1.log to example15.log, for example.

It's possible to make this dynamicly?

> > It's possible to create a file name like:
> > debug-YYYYMMDD.log?
>Ah, now that's a different matter :)
>I've written an appender called DatedFileAppender which creates log
>files like that, but it rolls them in a different way - it always leaves
>files called what they're called, just creating a new file with an
>appropriate name when it notices the date changing. In other words, you
>don't get example.log, you *always* get example-YYYYMMDD.log (or
>whatever, depending on the configuration). I've found this to be more
>reliable as it doesn't depend on the program running at the rollover

O.K. I will check it.

>You can find source code for DatedFileAppender in the developers mailing

It's possible sening all of the types (info, warn, error, ...) to other 
logfiles like debug_info.log, debug_warn.log ...


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