The problem I'm encountering with the XML configuration, is that the
minimum threshold seems to get over written.  I get debug messages in the
error log, even though I'm setting the threshold for the error file log to
'error'.  I did a search for xml configuration problems, but didn't see
anything like this mentioned while looking.  Its entirely possible I missed
it though.

You're right about the max threshold though, bad example.  I hadn't thought
it through completely in that case.  I suppose it'd be better said that it
should be possible to send only error/alerts to one file, debug and above
to another, warnings and above to stdout, etc., all for one category.  For
the life of me, I can't get the xml configuration to do this though.  I
find the xml configuration file easier to read/use (and in turn easier for
QA/Ops to adjust) then the other means of setting up log4j (either
hardcoding or the win.ini type of setup file).


                    "Jon Skeet"                                                        
                    <jon.skeet@pe        To:     "LOG4J Users Mailing List" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       
          >           cc:                                           
                                         Subject:     RE: Log4J Setup using XML 
Configuration File                                
                    01:04 PM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         
                    "LOG4J Users                                                       
                    Mailing List"                                                      

> First, a quick question: Its my assumption that each log4j
> category can have muliple appenders.


> Each appender for a category can also have its own
> priority.

Well, each appender can have a *threshold*, which is a minimum priority

Search for "threshold" in the mailing list archive for details.

> In theory, this means I can log all debug messages for a
> category to one file, all error messages to another file, and warning
> messages to stdout, if I desire.

No - unfortunately there is no *maximum* threshold, so wherever you get
debug messages, you also get warning messages. That's a bit of a pain,


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