Hi, I have a question for the log4j users:

I am trying to do something which seems like it should be simple, but
I can't figure out how to do it.  I want to be able to put things in
my code that look something like this:

Log.add("About to call this method...");

and have the string "About to call this method..." show up in a file
somewhere.  This is all from Tomcat 4.  Is there a way to do this from
log4j?  It seems like it should be a simple way to do it, but there is
nothing like that in the documentation.  I can see a way to get it to
log to a Writer, but then that means that in every single class that I
create, I have to put in code for creating and managing a Writer,
which means reading config files to find out the filename to use, etc,
etc, all of which could cause exceptions, which basically defeats the
purpose of a logger, right?

I just want something which is the simplest possible way to write a
string to a file.


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