Hi, I'm a complete newbie to Log4J, Apache projects,
and somewhat to J2EE, so I apologize in advance for my
naivete - if these questions have been previously
answered/covered somewhere else and this isn't the
right forum, please just point me in that direction.
Thanks in advance. And sorry for the spew of questions
. . 

I've looked through a lot of the documentation, and
some of the code, and here's some questions:

1. Using a JDBC adapter

I would have thought that this would be a primary
usage of Log4J, but there's not one associated with
the official release, just from contributions. Is
there a reason for this? I also have several questions
regarding the JDBC adapters available as

a. How comparatively reliable/tested are the
contributions in relation to the official release?

b. How performant are the JDBC adapters available?
And, is there a way to speed/degrade performance by

- JMS in addition to JDBC
- Build a system whereby numerous log requests are
queued up such that only a single database call is
required for multiple inserts

c. Are there discussions/documentation about the JDBC
adapters available?

d. Are the JDBC adapters compatible with
ObjectRenderers? Ie, can I store different kinds of
objects in different tables even . . (I'm pushing it
here, I reckon. Am I asking Log4J to do something it's
just not built to do?)

2. Using Log4J in Weblogic and in a cluster

I know that Log4J can be configured at runtime, but
how would you go about configuring it across a
cluster, ie such that making a change to a
configuration file at runtime changes the behavior of
log4j across the cluster? Additionally, what is the
recommended approach for how to package Log4J (in J2EE
terms) such that it can be accessible to all EJBs and
Web Apps that potentially use it (eg, you couldn't
just package it with one web web, or one EJB jar if
you have multiple EJB jars). Would it then need to be
packaged at the .ear level?

Thanks in advance.


PS - BTW, has anyone noticed that the search mechanism
at geocrawler for the log4J list doesn't work? It
always comes up with no results, regardless of the
search (try "log4j"). oh well.

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