One thing to remember...

If you haven't called the .configure(...), then the first call to
.getInstance(...) will invoke the default initialization.  The documentation
has a multi-paragraph discussion of the rules for default initialization.
So, I won't repeat them here.  However, the simplest form says that if there
is a "" file in the classpath, then you'll automatically
If the auto-initialize can't find the properties file, you get the "dreaded"
;^) Log4J not initialized on your _first_ call to a writing method
(.info(...), .warn(...), etc.), and nothing will be written until you call

-----Original Message-----
From: MiChAeL xEnAkIs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 25.October, 2001 08:17 PM
To: LOG4J Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Some "basic(?)" questions

Don -

Thanks for the feedback.  Yeah, I was already working w/ the frameworks
which led me to these questions.

When referring to a "generic" Category, my meaning was that, for instance,
when the cached (static) Category(s) are first instantiated, they are, well
not "generic", but filled w/ whatever the default properties would be -
which I'm not sure what those are.  I was aware that only a single instance
of a Category will exist for a particular Category name, I just got thrown
off by the definitions being included w/ the declarations of the static
variables, though I shouldn't have.

Of course, I never considered just what other configuration occurs during
the .confingure() method (and it sounds that no logging can actually occur
till that happens... is _that_ true?) Given that, the examples could just
have well put off the calls to .getInstance(...) till after the .configure()
call w/out any adverse affect.

Which all leads into another question that came up while fiddling today.  Do
Appender(s) conform to the same "rule of thumb" in terms of uniqueness,
i.e., will their only ever be a single Appender instance for a given
Appender name? If so, does this span all Appender sub-classes (I'm guessing
yes)? I ask as I had some test code which pulled an Appender from a
Category, created a new child Category, changed the fileName attribute for
the Appender and then set it as the Appender for the new child Category.
When I logged, I was suprised to see the messages logged twice, i.e., the
child Category logged to its Appender as well as the Appender inherited from
its parent which, apparently, are both the same Appender.  Setting
additivity on the Category remedied this... and now I know.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: Some "basic(?)" questions

> --- MiChAeL xEnAkIs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey all -
> >
> <snip>
> >
> > I'm wanting to go the route of configuring the logging framework via
> > the XML "properties" file w/ the following reservations:
> >
> > When looking through the example code provided, I notice that the
> > example-classes each have static Category vars which are _the_
> > categories used for logging (which are declared and defined w/in the
> > declaration statements).  However, these classes also include calls
> > to BasicConfigurator<or a subclass>.configure() or .configure(String
> > configFile).  As I understand, the Log4J framework will maintain the
> > instances of the various categories such that separate calls to
> > Category.getInstance(<instance-name>) will _always_ return the same
> > instance for that particular name.
> >
> Yes. If you call Category.getInstance() with the same class/string
> name, you'll get the same category. The examples are simply caching the
> result since there is a hashing performance hit for calling
> Category.getInstance() repeatedly for the same category.
> > Now, as I also understand it, when a class is first referenced, its
> > static var's are instantiated at that time.  For the sake of
> > argument, assume that I have static Category object defined for each
> > class _and_ my .xml properties file provides the actual (full)
> > definitions for these, i.e. including the Appender definition, file
> > locations, etc.
> >
> Ok.
> > So, up to the point of my calling the "appropriate" .configure()
> > method, the static Category for each class will be just a "generic"
> > Category, yes?
> >
> Not sure this matters. Until log4j is initialized you can't do any
> logging anyway. I'm not sure what you mean by a "generic" category.
> > Also, when .configure() is called, will the current "generic"
> > Category definition(s) be replaced w/ those in the .xml properties
> > file (thereby ensuring a single Category instance for each
> > <instance-name>)?
> >
> In your way of thinking, yes.
> The best way to evaluate log4j is to try it out. Go ahead download it,
> create the scenario you've just described and make sure it works as you
> expect. If you have problems then, we'll be better able to help you
> out.
> -- Don
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