My guess is that you are almost there.
My initial problem was that I was that I forgot to package up the dtd.
I thought relative would work fine in this case...

You could try (in the first case):
        Use /ch/plenum/pcd/log4j.dtd
        Remove the DOCTYPE altogether...

or, you could parse it yourself and pass the root Element to log4j...

-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 November 2001 14:09
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: AW: log4j configuration via XML

Ok, that worked but I end at the same problem I had before.

The *DOMConfigurator.configure()* methode finds and loads the
log4jConfigure.xml file. Later in this methode a ClassLoader tries to
the log4j.dtd file but can't and fails. This mechanism seems to work
you. When the ClassLoader failed to load the log4j.dtd there is a second
chance to load the loig4j.dtd. The parser is started and reads the
log4jConfigure.xml file. In <!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM
"log4j.dtd"> it tries to load again the log4j.dtd file. That only
when I give a legal URI like :
num/pcd/log4j.dtd .

Since I'm not able load the log4j.dtd in the first chance. I could load
in the second chance. But I don't want to give the absolut URI.
Is it possible to specifie a relative URI?

Again the error I get displayed:

Error from the first attempt to load the dtd file (ClassLoader):

log4j:ERROR Could not find [log4j.dtd]. Used
[sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@404536] class loader in the search.
log4j:ERROR Could not parse input stream

Error from the second attempt to load the dtd file (Parser):

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Relative URI "log4j.dtd"; can not be
resolved without a document URI.


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