Never post questions on low biorhythm days.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Soniat 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 1:03 PM
> To: Log4J Users List
> Subject: Extending Category questions/problems
> Two things, first a nit:
> 1. The example XCategory specifies that it is the minimum required but
> implements OptionHandler.  OptionHandler isn't required to extend
> Category is it?
> 2.  I extend Category with NsaCategory and everything was happy for a
> day or two.  I changed a few class names (didn't follow coding
> standards) and now the static block in Category is placing an instance
> of Category in the HashMap before my getInstance call with the factory
> is called.  The Category is found with the name and so my 
> factory is not
> used and the remaining classes that expect  NsaCategory are very
> disappointed.
> Any ideas why, out of the blue, the static block in Category 
> is getting
> called.  
> Here is a stack trace.  It happens on the dispatch of the static
> NsaCategory.getInstance(String) which for some reason causes 
> the static
> block of Category to run.  I suspect that for some reason or 
> other this
> static block was running when it wouldn't cause problems 
> before and now
> it isn't.  Any ideas on how to get it out of the way.
> Thanks for the help.
> Ed
> -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/home/esoniat/proficient/developmen
> t/nsagloba
> l/http/resources/log/NsaLoggerConfig.xml
> log4j: Disable override="null".
> log4j: Disable ="null".
> log4j: Retreiving an instance of org.apache.log4j.Category.
> getInstance(com.nsaglobal.log.JDBCAppenderTest) called.
> java.lang.Throwable
>       at org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy.getInstance(
>       at org.apache.log4j.Hierarchy.getInstance(
>       at
> org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.parseCategory(DOMConfigur
> 291)
>       at
> org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.parse(
>       at
> org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(DOMConfigurat
> 3)
>       at
> org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(DOMConfigurat
> 5)
>       at
> org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(Op
> tionConver
> VVVVVVVV Things go bad here because I end up with a Category not a
> NsaCategory  VVVVVVVV
>       at org.apache.log4j.Category.<clinit>(
>       at com.nsaglobal.log.NsaLogger.getCategory(
>       at com.nsaglobal.log.NsaLogger.<init>(
>       at com.nsaglobal.log.NsaLogger.getInstance(
>       at
> com.nsaglobal.log.JDBCAppenderTest.<clinit>(
> --
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