> import org.apache.tools.log4j.Category;
> public class LoggerFactory {
>     private static boolean configured = false;
>     private static void configure() {
>         if (!configured) {
>             /*** Place all your configuration stuff here. ***/
>             configured = true;
>         }
>     }
>     public static Category getInstance(Class c) {
>         configure();
>         return Category.getInstance(c);
>     }
>     public static Category getInstance(String s) {
>         configure();
>         return Category.getInstance(s);
>     }
> }

This isn't thread-safe, because if two threads call getInstance()
at the same time, your configure code could run twice. A slightly
better solution would be to use synchronized to make sure it's 
thread safe. This is technically against the J2EE spec. Here it 
is anyway:

        private static void configure() {
                if(!configured) {
                        synchronized(LoggerFactory.class) {
                                if(!configured) {
                                        /** Do config */
                                        configured = true;

Note the double-check of the configured boolean.

Having said all that, running config code twice probably isn't the
end of the world, and might not happen very often.


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