
Which version of log4j is this? Which XML parser?

At 09:40 15.10.2001 +0100, Mclean, Brendon wrote:

>We're running LOG4J on JDK1.3.1 and we're getting a strange error: 
>log4j:ERROR Could not find [log4j.dtd]. Used 
>[sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@71732b] class loader in the search. 
>From looking at the code I am assuming that it is trying to find the DTD in the 
>classpath, which it should do because it is finding the rest of the Log4J classes.  
>The application will not work unless I extract the DTD from the JAR and place it in 
>the working directory.  Is this an error or am I doing something wrong?
>Thanks in advance. 
>Brendon McLean. 

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