
Sorry about the cross-post, I meant to post to the dev list, but my mail 
  reader auto-completed the wrong address.

I would be interested in extending DomConfigurator.  Any ideas on what 
it should be called?  Anyone also interested in this feature that would 
like to input their ideas?


Ceki Gülcü wrote:

> cott,
> Although both DOMConfigurator and Propertyonfigurator implement a
> configureAndWatch method, is not reason enough to change the Configure
> interface. I rather keep the Configure interface trivial. Watching for
> config file updates is a useful feature but it is not always
> necessary.
> In my opinion, a better approach is to extend
> DOMConfigurator/Propertyonfigurator with methods to manage the "watch"
> cycle,: to start it, stop it, resume it, change watch frequency
> etc. All these methods, except start and resume can be triggered from
> within the configuration file itself.
> You can tell log4j to use this extended configurator with the
> log4j.configuratorClass system property.
> Does it make sense? Although not yet implemented, I intend to include
> such extended configurators in log4j 1.2. Would you be interested in
> implementing these extensions yourself? Regards, Ceki
> ps: I have rejected your cross-post to log4j-dev. This is explained in
> http://jakarta.apache.org/site/mail.html. The following is
> particularly relevant
>   Summary: Do not cross post messages.  In other words, pick a mailing
>   list and send your messages to that mailing list only. Do not send
>   your messages to multiple mailing lists. The reason is that people may
>   be subscribed to one list and not to the other. Therefore, some people
>   may only see half of the conversation.
> At 10:32 04.01.2002 +1100, Scott Farquhar wrote:
>>Ceki and others,
>>I have some suggestions for log4j, and I am hoping for your feedback. Let me know if 
>you think that they are worth having.  To let you konw where I am coming from, my 
>interest in log4j is in use in application servers - most particularly Orion.
>>To use log4j in application servers, you mostly wish to do 
>PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch(), or DomConfigurator.configureAndWatch().  
>Otherwise there is no way for changes to the config files to be picked up.  As 
>application servers are meant to not be restarted, the need to re-read config files 
>is critical.
>>The current way (that I can see) to start log4j in this way is to have an 
>application client load the configuration file, and this application client to start 
>automatically.  Whilst this solution works, it is not the easiest to configure for 
>novice users.
>>I started looking at the startup classes and came across the class 
>OptionConverter.java.  In the process of autoconfiguration (ie finding the properties 
>file according to system property log4j.configuration - described in section 4.1 
>OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure() calls configurator.doConfigure(url, hierachy).
>>My initial idea was that you can change this line to be 
>"configurator.configureAndWatch()".  That way configuration files loaded by the 
>startup classes would be watched for changes.  There are two problems with this 
>approach however:
>>1.  Interface "Configurator" does not have the method configureAndWatch(), even 
>though both DomConfigurator and PropertyConfigurator both contain this method.
>>2.  "configureAndWatch()" method doesn't take a hierachy, whilst "doConfigure()" 
>>I'll address these separately:
>>1.  I cannot see a reason why configureAndWatch() is not in the interface.  Perhaps 
>there is a reason for this, seeing as configure() isn't either?  Can someone let me 
>know why this is the case?
>>2.  From the code, it seems that the hierachy taken in doConfigure() is always 
>LogManager.getLoggerRepository().  Can someone explain how the RepositorySelector 
>>Seeing as trying to work _around_ the existing code will be a bit of trouble for me.
>>My suggestion is that a new property will be introduced (contained within the 
>property file), that indicates how often the file is to be reread.  The signature of 
>doConfigure is changed to return the length of time until the next file read.
>>When the watchdog reads the file, it will take the time until the next read, and 
>reset its internal timer.  This means that config files can also change the time 
>until the next read.  So during debugging, you can set the config file to be read 
>once a minute, but during other times, the config file can be read once an hour.
>>The changes (from the top of my head):
>>- Change method signature of doConfigure() to return a long (millis to next change).
>> - Change doConfigure() of DomConfigurator and PropertyConfigurator to check for 
>update period
>> - Decide on new flags / properties for xml & property files.
>>- Make a new method doConfigureAndWatch(url, loggerhierachy) which is called by 
>OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(), and starts up the watchdog.  (alternatively, if 
>loggerhierachy is not needed, use the existing methods.)
>>- Add this method to the interface Configurator.
>>- Change PropertyWatchDog and DomWatchDog to update their internal delay on each call
>> - ie change implementation of doOnChange()
>>Any thoughts?  Is there a way to do this easier (including having the update 
>interval inside the config files)?  Am I totally off-track?
>>I don't see the above breaking any backward compatibility (config files that don't 
>have the property will continue to be read once).  This functionality is similar to 
>what Ceki mentioned in this dev post: 
>>Let me know any feedback, and sorry for the long email.
>>Scott Farquhar :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Atlassian :: http://www.atlassian.com
>>    Supporting YOUR J2EE World
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> --
> Ceki Gülcü - http://qos.ch
> --
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Scott Farquhar :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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