I am using log4j with IBM websphere 3.5.4. Every time we have to switch off
the logging, we comment the following line in log4j.prp file.
log4j.rootCategory=debug, stdout, R
Every time we have to switch on the logging, we uncomment the above line.
We read the log4j.prp file in a stateless session bean which is invoked in
the init of a startup Servlet.
Problem we are facing is that every time we have to switch off the logging,
we need to comment the above line in log4j.prp file and restart the app
server again for the change to take effect. This is really painful because
there are many users connected to the server at any point of time.
Can you guys suggest any better way??
Sumit Mishra
<http://www.cash-tech.com/> http://www.cash-tech.com/