Hi All
I just dowloaded Log4j and started working on some samples, I have these questions.

1. There are 2 jars in distribution Log4j.jar and Log4j-core.jar do we need both of 
these. What is the necessity for 2 jars ?

2. I downloaded Log4j version 1.1.3 eventhough documentation says that there is a 
Logger class org.apache.log4j.Logger
   I did not find one in either of jars. There is a Category class which I was able to 
use. What version of jar has Logger ?

3. Documentation says 
" Log4j makes it easy to name loggers by software component. This can be accomplished 
by statically 
instantiating a logger in each class, with the logger name equal to the fully 
qualified name of the class. "

should I put 
        static Category logger = Category.getInstance(MyClass.class.getName()); 
at the top of every class and have configuration read like this in say constructor
Then it will log to all appenders in log4j.conf

Documentation :  " it is possible to configure a logger and then to retrieve the same 
instance somewhere else in the code without passing around references"

does it mean this logger is available in same class ,  .... I am clueless on usage

"Can anybody comment why one should require so many loggers one for each class"
I can understand if one module logs to a particular file, why is this logger at class 

4.I tried to use sort1.lcf which I got from samples

log4j.rootCategory=, A1
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r %-5p [%t] %37c %3x - %m%n

put this line at top
static Category logger = Category.getInstance(HTTPToXML.class.getName());

I have just one class in my package which extends extends 
org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler i put 2 debug statements
logger.debug("Entering application.");
logger.debug("Exiting application.");

I get this as output...
0    DEBUG [main]      com.sentius.webhandler.HTTPToXML     - Entering application.
63   DEBUG [main]      com.sentius.webhandler.HTTPToXML     - Exiting application.
78   DEBUG [main]      com.sentius.webhandler.HTTPToXML     - Entering application.
78   DEBUG [main]      com.sentius.webhandler.HTTPToXML     - Exiting application.

I read about appender additivity since there is just one class in my package I dont 
know where the duplicates are comming from.
Intrestingly output looks like my method ran twice but this is just a main method 
calling init() method a normal java standalone
Any comments....

Replies will be greatly appreciated.


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