Hi Steve,

Have you played with the new JMX code? Probably the easiest approach
is for you to play with the code and find ways of improving it.  I am
sure you'll come up with few enhancements very quickly.  I'll try to
answer your questions best I can.

Unfortunately, I am leaving on vacation for a week and won't be able
to answer your questions until the 3rd of March.

Eric George ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) also showed interest in the
log4j/JMX project.  You might want to work together and learn from
each other. It's up to you but also your available time, level of
motivation, energy, etc. etc.

Cheers, Ceki

At 18:46 22.02.2002 -0600, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>What still needs to be done on them.  I could do some work on them starting
>next weekend.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ceki Gülcü" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Log4J Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 11:33 PM
>Subject: Re: JMX support in 1.2beta3
> > Charlie,
> >
> > The following is messy, but just to give you an idea of the flavor of
> > the beast.
> >
> > 1) Put /java/jmx/lib/jmxri.jar
> >      /java/jmx/lib/jmxtools.jar
> >      /jakarta-log4j-1.2beta3/src/java
> >      /jakarta-log4j-1.2beta3/dist/classes
> >
> > into your classpath, changing directory names according to your
> > environment.
> >
> > 2) cd /jakarta-log4j-1.2beta3/src/java/org/apache/log4j/jmx
> >
> > 3) javac T.java
> >
> > Do not skip step 3 even if the file T.class is already in the distrib.
> >
> > 4) java T
> >
> > You'll see output similar to
> > 0 INFO [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.Agent - Registering HtmlAdaptorServer
> > instance.
> > 0 INFO [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.Agent - Registering
> > HierarchyDynamicMBean instance.
> > 10 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.HierarchyDynamicMBean - preRegister
> > called. Server=com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl@67e
> > 89, name=log4j:hiearchy=default
> > 10 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.HierarchyDynamicMBean - postRegister
> > is called.
> > 20 DEBUG [main] root - preRegister called.
> > Server=com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl@67e89,
> > 20 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.LoggerDynamicMBean - Adding
> > AppenderMBean for appender named console
> > 40 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.AppenderDynamicMBean - preRegister
> > called. Server=com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl@67e8
> > 9, name=log4j:appender=console
> > 40 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.AppenderDynamicMBean - Adding
> > LayoutMBean:console,layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> > 50 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.LayoutDynamicMBean - preRegister
> > called. Server=com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl@67e89,
> >   name=log4j:appender=console,layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> > 50 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.LayoutDynamicMBean - getMBeanInfo
> > 50 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.AppenderDynamicMBean - getMBeanInfo
> > called.
> > 50 DEBUG [main] org.apache.log4j.jmx.HierarchyDynamicMBean - ---Adding
> > logger [root] as listener.
> >
> >
> > 5) View http://localhost:8082/ with your browser. Do not stop or kill
>"java T".
> >
> > 6) Play around. You can add new appenders to categories, view and
> > appenders, add layouts...
> >
> > JMX support is not production quality but the ideas are there. The
> > code needs polishing...
> > Any volunteers? Regards, Ceki
> >
> > At 16:57 20.02.2002 -0800, Charlie Cano wrote:
> >
> > >I have to say that the idea of JMX support for the logging service of
> > >Log4J is very exciting - is there any current documentation about what
> > >general layout of MBeans are and how they should be used to
> > >configure/access the log4j system?  I'm poking around the 1.2 API docs,
> > >but it's a little tricky to figure out the intention of each MBean in
> > >terms of controlling the log4j backend...
> > >
> > >Thanks,
> > >Charlie
> >
> >
> > --
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