Hello all.  I'm a new log4j user and ran into a problem setting up my
configuration from multiple (two) files.  I was wondering if anyone had
any thoughts/suggestions.

What I'd like to do is set "default" configuration from one file (preferably
referred to by -Dlog4j.configuration), and then read additional
from another properties file which overrides the defaults.  The
JavaDoc for PropertyConfigurator.doConfigure(String configFileName,
Hierarchy hierarchy), says, "Read configuration from a file. The existing
configuration is not cleared nor reset."  Therefore, it looked like I could
do something like:

  PropertyConfigurator props = new PropertyConfigurator();
  // load default configuration
  props.doConfigure("defaultConfig.txt", Category.getRoot().getHierarchy());
  // load (optional) configuration which overrides specific fields of

So if my "defaultConfig.txt" looked like
  # Set root category priority to ERROR and its only appender to Console.
  log4j.rootCategory=ERROR, Console
  # Console appender is set to be a ConsoleAppender.
  # Console uses PatternLayout.
  log4j.appender.Console.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c{2} %x -

then I could simply add
  log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, Console

to change the default logging from ERROR to DEBUG.  Because the existing
configuration is neither cleared nor reset by doConfigure(), I figured I'd
just be adding/changing existing config properties.  However, it doesn't
to work that way.  It keeps reading the first file, then trying to read the
second file and failing saying no appenders could be found for root, as if
it cleared/reset the default configuration initially read.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions!  I'm not on the log4j-user
so please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (and/or to the group).

Darren Gemoets
Aquilent (formerly Commerce One e-Government Solutions)

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