hello all,

i have been trying to get Log4J to work with Catalina (Tomcat 4.x) for a
period of more than 2 days now :(
This is what i have done. As recommended in the Log4J manual, i have made a
copy of Lo4j.jar in $JRE_HOME/lib/ext so that it can be added to CLASSPATH

I have a log4j.properties file that works just fine with my application and
contains a simple appender of Type Console Appender which is using
PatternLayout attached to the rootCategory.

Now i have some Java beans in which i am doing ..

        static Category logger = Category.getRoot()

after which in my beans i am using logger.info(...) and logger.error(...) in
a lot of places. I have placed the log4j.properties in
$MYWEBAPP_HOME/WEB-INF/classes folder (as recommended). Still on using the
beans LOG4J gives me the error message about not finding a appender for root
and not having initialized the Log4J environment properly.

Any suggestion ?

Mayuresh Kadu

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