> I observed this behavior while using Log4j on Unix.
> I am using a RollingFileAppender and logs are very crucial 
> for me. But, if
> by chance if I delete the main log file, it is not recreated 
> by Log4j until
> I restart the webserver. In windows I am not having this 
> problem, as windows
> always keeps this file open and doesn't allow you to delete the file.
> Is this a bug? What is the way around it?

I don't believe it's a bug - I believe it's just the way Unix handles files. For 
instance, start a terminal and type:

cat > foo.txt
then type a few lines in. In another terminal, cat foo.txt to show that things have 
been written out. Then delete foo.txt (rm foo.txt) in this terminal, and write more 
lines on the other terminal... you'll see the same behaviour as with log4j.

The way around it is not to delete the log files, of course...


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