Currently I am a developer at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, and our team is using Log4J 1.1.3 in our main project: the university's students database, which holds everything about a student's academic life, as well as other academical affairs such as classes, grades, teachers and so. Since this system is huge (we have more than 230000 students, which about 20000 are active), we need it to run in many application servers, and to easy debugging, we log to a SocketAppender. The problem we had is that the PatterLayout has no easy way of printing the source server where the log was generated (unless we use the AppServerCategory, which would be difficult to configure with DOMConfigurator). The hard way was using the SocketServer with a configuration file replicated for each server, printing a hardcoded string. Since we were using DOMConfigurator, I need to change it a bit, in order for it to found a filename with '.xml' extension. The patch is attached (it was generator by diff -Naur original new).
If you have another idea do solve our problem (of logging many servers to one place, stating which server generated the log), please feel free to tell us about.
R. Lemos
PS. Sorry for my poor english.

Attachment: SocketServer-patch.gz
Description: application/compressed

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