
Class(es) referenced by Proxy at compile time, are out of synch with
class(es) the JVM is attempting to load at runtime.

Here is a scenario that can cause the VerifyError. I'm not an expert on this
by any means. But we were running into this at my shop.

Scenario - You own and modify package A, which uses public constructors,
methods for classes in package B.

Package A is compiled and a jar created. At compile time, package A must
have access to package B, in order to compile successfully. The class path
used by the compiler finds package B, and the methods in Package A are
compiled into byte code. The important point here is that the generated
bytecode is sensitive to the details of the referenced constructors and
methods, in terms of the class hierarchy, the types of  objects that are
used as parameters for the constructors and methods, etc.

At runtime, as the JVM is attempting to run package A, it tries to load the
referenced package B classes. (Perhaps the runtime classpath finds a package
B jar that is out of synch with the B classes available to the compiler per
the compiler's classpath when Package A was compiled?) As it loads them it
does some verifying. It checks to see that the Package B object types used
in the signatures of the referenced constructors and methods are the same as
the object types at compile time. It also apparently is sensitive to the
superclass hierarchy, and can complain about the fact that Package B class X
is now 3 subclasses down from the class Object, when it used to be something
other than 3.

for an in-depth discussion of the kinds of changes to
java code that can cause verify errors. 

Hope this helps. This can be a tough problem to resolve.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sreedhar Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 5:04 AM
Cc: Sreedhar Gupta
Subject: Run Time Exception in log4j when using with xmlsec ...

I am writing a sample application to sign and verify the SOAP messages with
3 Signer, Verifier and Proxy.
1. Signer is a class with one public Sign  method which takes the SOAP
message as String, sign it and send.
2. Verifier will do it in reverse.
3. Proxy is a main program which creates a SOAP message (Hard coded)in
String format, 
   a.  calls Sign method of Signer. 
   b.  The Sign method signs the SOAP message and give it back to Proxy
   c.  The Proxy component then passes the Signed SOAP message to Verifier
to verify.

When i compile all the files, compiling with out any error. But when i run
the Proxy program (main controller program), i am getting the following

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
org/apache/log4j/LogManager, method: <clin
it> signature: ()V) Incompatible argument to function
        at org.apache.xml.security.Init.init(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xml.security.Init.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xml.security.signature.XMLSignature.<clinit>(Unknown
        at amro.security.SOAPSigner.SignEnvelope(SOAPSigner.java:80)
        at amro.security.SecurityProxy.Sign(SecurityProxy.java:99)
        at amro.security.SecurityProxy.main(SecurityProxy.java:201)
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