Keep mind that the %C and %M information is not guaranteed to be always 
correct. Just in time compilers have the right to rearrange things, e.g. 
inline methods and so on.
You probably also want to include %c (not %C) in the conversion pattern.

BTW, what is the value of the fcqn variable?

At 13:20 23.05.2002 +0200, you wrote:
>I embedded log4j into an existing application. To match the given
>requirements concerning the loglevel structure, I had to come up with a
>subclass of the org.apache.log4j.Level class, that contained additional
>levels. I also wrote a class "LogManager" that wraps a Logger's log (String
>fqcn, Level priority, String msg, Throwable ex) method for the respective
>new log levels.
>public class LogManager {
>public void superFatal (String fqcn, String appender, String msg)
>Logger.getLogger (appender).log (fqcn, MyLevel.SUPER_FATAL, msg, null);
>The are configured to log the output in format: %-5p: %C %M
>Message: %m%n
>Now the problem is, that in some cases the actual log output is not printing
>the classname and the method name. Instead it prints a '?'. Also, in other
>cases the logged message is NOT assigned to the class that originally fired
>the log call - instead some other class name is logged as the originating
>source. I made sure that this is not a syncronization problem.
>Anybody with an idea or help? Thanks a lot.
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