
can anyone give me a hint how I can manage to catch those exception from Log4J which 
are caused by an invalid configuration of appenders (the infamous "No appenders could 
be found for category..." error) or an invalid file appender path? I understand that I 
can do all the configuration and initialization by myself (i.e. doing the job of 
PropertyConfiguration.doConfigure plus the checking) but I'd like to avoid all that 

Isn't there some little method somewhere in the Log4J-API which sets a flag so 
appenders and the like will be checked upon configuration and not at that point of 
time when they are accessed (i.e. logged into) the first time?

Thanks in advance

P.S. By the way, I'm still using Log4J 1.1.3 and wouldn't mind upgrading my version if 
this would be necessary.
Torben Fruechtenicht
IT Solutions

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