
> Remove log4j.jar from the CLASSPATH and from $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/
> if that is the case.
> If log4j.jar is not on the CLASSPATH or $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/ check
> also $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib and $CATALINA_HOME/lib.

I checked my CLASSPATH and directories $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext,
$CATALINA_HOME/common/lib, and $CATALINA_HOME/lib, and none of them had
a log4j*.jar file in them.

I then edited class PropertySetter and added some more debugging code that
would tell me the type of the object for which a property was being
set.  The output of this debugging code indicated that there was no problem
using the same object variable to set properties for different types of
objects within the same web application.  However, as soon as the class
was called to set a property for an object in another web application,
it generated the same error again.

In my search for a solution to this problem, I found the following two

1) http://www.kaffe.org/pipermail/kaffe/2001-July/007381.html

   Date of posting: July 24, 2001.

   This posting uses an example to demonstrate the type of behavior I was
   getting with my web applications, and gives a brief explanation of the
   cause for the behavior.  The following is a snippet of this posting:

     when the Method-Object is constructed (via getMethod(...)), it saves
     the class it's constructed from and it's "method slot"-number. So in
     the second case, we have a Method that believes to be "Method #0 in
     class A", while the first Method object is "Method #6 in B".
     Unfortunately, when Method.invoke() is called, the following happens
     (in a nutshell): the runtime class of the object-argument of
     Method.invoke() and the slot number (index) in the Method are combined
     to find the code to be executed: so in the first case, we call method
     #6 in class B, which *really is* foo(). But in the second case we
     execute method #0 (!!!!) in class B, which happens to be
     object.clone(), leading to the shown exception.

http://www.apachelabs.org/tomcat-user/200201.mbox/%3c009901c1950f$eebf7f60$[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3e

   Date of posting: January 4, 2002.

   This is a posting by Remy Maucherat, who is also a Jakarta developer (he
   works on the Tomcat and Slide Subprojects).

   Remy basically confirmed that there is a bug in JDK 1.4 (I was using
   j2sdk1.4.0) that causes this problem and suggested that people use
   JDK version.

   So, I reverted back to j2sdk1_3_1_01, and started tomcat again, and this
   time the log4j initialization worked fine for both of my web

Ceki, thank you very much for your help and also for writing log4j.
I really like it so far!


Patricia T. Guimaraes
Software Engineer
Gene Logic, Inc.

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