I know all the arguments about obtaining LocationInfo being slow.  

That being said, I am looking at using "wrapper" classes around log4j
Loggers (sort of similiar to what jakarta commons does).  We find the
LocationInfo invaluable in most logging cases for their debug/investagation
value.  However doing this wrapping will cause the LocationInfo to be
generated "incorrectly".  

A simple way around would be to create my wrapper as a subclass of Logger
(creating an appropriate LoggerFactory).  However, I have seen that this
practice is now discouraged.  The only other simple way I can seem to see is
to modify the LocationInfo source to take into account that the actual
location is not the line directly after the name of the Category/Logger in
the stack trace, but is actually X lines after the Category/Logger.

Is there another way I am missing?

If not, any huge pros and/or cons to either approach above?

Steve Ebersole
IT Integration Engineer
Vignette Corporation 

Visit http://www.vignette.com


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