We have our application running on Websphere with log4j 1.1.3. It involves 
some complicated calculations for each transaction that user performs. Every 
thing goes on fine except that since there is just one common log file, 
these calculations log statments get intermingled among different users 
making it hard to debug an issue.

What I was trying to achieve is a way to create a log file for each user. 
This way, all complex calculations log statements will be separate for each 
user making it easier to debug if we have to.

I did spend quite a while going thru the archives on this issue but couldnt 
find one. So if this has been discussed already, I apologize for it.

Among the existing appenders/patterns in log4j, I could use the following to 
achieve the same thing:

1. jdbcappender: send the log statements to the database and can query them 
on each user.
This would however take too much database space.

2. jmsappender: I havent really looked closely at this one yet. But I know I 
could receive the log statements and write some custom code to put each log 
statement in a separate file based on the user who initiated it.

3. xmllayout: Generate xml version of the log file and write xsl to display 
the log file for requested user.

I was wondering if there is a quicker/cleaner way or am I just complicating 
things for myself to achieve this. And if there is none, is there something 
that is planned in near future.


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